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The Kingdom of Saxony

Saxon Infantry 1811 - 1815

The creation of the Kingdom of Saxony caused new flags to be ordered in November 1807. The new flags were not presented until July 1811, after the army had been reorganised and the 2nd, 6th, 9th and 10th regiments had been disbanded. The Infantry now comprised the Leib Grenadier Garde, eight line and two light infantry regiments all of two battalions. The combined Grenadier battalions together with the light infantry units did not receive standards. In 1811 each regiment received one Leibfahne and one Ordinärfahne, both measuring approx 143cm sq. The Leibfahne was again white, the Ordinärfahne in regimental facing colour. The Staves were now in the regimental facing colours. These flags remained in service for the remainder of the Napoleonic wars, though some ten were lost during the 1812 campaign in Russia. At least one of the lost flags was replaced with an identical copy whilst other losses were made good by the re-issuing of the flags of the old 2nd, 6th, 9th and 10th regiments, unfortunately I do not have exact details concerning this.
Flags from top to bottom:
Leib-Grenadier-Garde Regiment
König Regiment
Von Prinz Maximilian Regiment
Prinz Anton Regiment
Prinz Clemens Regiment
Von Niesemeuschel Regiment
Von Rechten Regiment
Prinz Friedrich August Regiment
Von Low Regiment
Ordinarfahnen on left, Leibfahnen on right.

Saxony Infantry 1811

Please note that all flag images at Napflags will require resizing
to suit the miniature figure scale - See Printing the flags

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