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The Kingdom of Saxony

Saxon Cavalry 1811 - 1815

The Saxon cavalry regiments received new standards in 1811 at a rate of one per squadron. The cavalry flags were gold fringed and as for the infantry were of two types, the white Liebstandarte and the red Ordinarestandarte. The heavy cavlary regiments had four white Liebstandarten, the light cavalry regiments one white Liebstandarte and three red Ordinarestandarten. The hussar regiment was not issued with flags. To differenciate between the four squadrons of a regiment a coloured cravat was tied with cords of the same colour below the finial. 1st squadron white, 2nd red, 3rd blue and 4th yellow. The staves were of unpainted wood with gilt spear-shaped finials.
Flags from top to bottom:
Garde-Du-Corps Regiment
Leib-Kuirassier-Garde Regiment
Von Zastrow Kuirassier Regiment
Prinz Clemens Chevaulegers Regiment ( converted to uhlans 1811)
Prinz Albrecht Chevaulegers Regiment
Prinz Johann Chevaulegers Regiment ( disbanded 1813)
Von Polenz Chevaulegers Regiment (disbanded 1813)
Leibstandarte on left, Ordinarstandarte on right.

Saxony Cavalry 1811

Please note that all flag images at Napflags will require resizing
to suit the miniature figure scale - See Printing the flags

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